Third Party Custody

Fighting for Third-Party Custody Rights

Some people think that biological parents should always take priority in child custody cases. However, living with a biological parent may not always be in the best interests of the child. If you're a grandparent, relative, or family friend who has established a parent-child relationship with a child and would like to seek third-party custody or guardianship, then you should contact the Law Offices of Brandi Miller to find out if you have a viable claim.
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What is third-party custody?

Third-party custody refers to an individual who is not a biological or adoptive parent who is seeking specific custody rights with a child.

Most often, those seeking third-party custody have a biological or marital relationship to the child (grandparent, aunt, uncle, etc.), but a biological relationship is not a requirement for seeking third party custody in the state of Missouri.

Looking out for the child's best interests

There are many reasons where third-party custody may be in the best interests of the child. For example, if both biological parents have passed away or have been deemed unfit, unable, or unsuitable to properly care for a child, then grandparents or other relatives may make a claim for third-party custody. Third-party custody can also be sought in cases of same-sex divorces where one partner has no biological tie to the child.  

Unique circumstances

When it comes to third-party custody, every case is unique, which is why it's important to work with an experienced lawyer who understands the Missouri court system.

The Law Offices of Brandi Miller have successfully handled cases regarding third-party custody and Grandparents' Rights, so give us a call today!
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Do you have a viable claim for third-party custody? Call today! (314) 238-1444
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